Saturday, November 7, 2009

"We were looking for a nose"

Aside from bearing a red carnation, I didn't know how to identify myself to Viviana and Willy, the strangers who would be picking me up in Buenos Aires. So I emailed this photo of me (right) and looked forward to my 2AM arrival on the flight from El Calafate ...

Now that we are friends Viviana has confessed: my nose in this photo looks huge ... GIGANTIC ... like Jimmy Durante's ... and in the wee hours of the morning, while my plane debarked, she says, "We were looking for a nose."

She said a few blondes walked by ... this one had a button nose - no. This one had a husband - no. Finally I arrived, studying the crowd, and we hooked up; but it has been a source of laughter ever since. Yesterday we cracked up over my photo for my Paraguayan visa: how did my nose look? And today, I got to ride shotgun to the parilla on the Rio de la Plata, because - of course - I needed more room for my nose!


@ Betsy Crowfoot


marie dufour said...

Sigue la Vaca?

Betsy said...

Oui! It was fantastic!

Christian Kallen said...

Yes, I noticed that NOSE too. Must have been a trick of the light, or you smelled something that excited you.
Glad you're in full-blown recovery mode!
- CK

Betsy said...

Currently looking for a plastic surgeon in BA who can fix my nose!!

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