If I had any idea how my plans were REALLY going to be turned upside down, I don’t know if I’d have taken off. (Or maybe I would have left with a lot less bravado and fanfare – do I have to return my going-away presents now??) But here I am -- with no regrets! Still, the obvious question is: ‘Where do I go from here?’ When? How? To do what? And … with whom?
Thankfully, Marie and JP have graciously allowed me the time, space, and latitude to carry on in my befuddled state (I make a few good meals now and then, to earn my keep ;-D), while I sift my way through the possibilities. While this has not quite been the journey I envisioned (understatement!) it’s been a journey none-the-less. And even more of an adventure, because I have abandoned my schedule, destinations, my ‘leader’ and plans, and struck off without any/all of the above. Truly: what kind of an adventure is it if you have an itinerary??!!
Instead I’m hopping – like a big frog from lily pad to lily pad ... in small steps, as it's not a time to leap, I’m told (Bronny says, ‘If a toad shows up: It’s a good time to withdraw into solitude and contemplate emotional or spiritual matters.’ And this place is LOADED with giant toads!!).
And I’m not just figuratively speaking … Paraguay is a muddy place and the boat shed is built adjacent the marsh (so when the time comes -- SOON! -- we can skate DOMINO across the slop into the Rio Paraguay ;-D ) Every day we slip and slither to and from the shed, in ruts and globs so deep my flip-flops get sucked right off my feet at times, and we laugh ourselves silly.
And yet, the biggest mud-puddle I seem to be mired in, is in my head.
I am stuck, stuck, stuck … but apparently that’s exactly where I’m supposed to be. So … here I stay: thinking and writing (oh – and sewing. Marie and I found the most AWESOME fabric shoppe LOL!)
Anway … another comment on my blog reads: ‘You ARE on track. Your glass is empty, giving you the infinite possibilities the universe has to provide, as you are finding out … Enjoy, Have Fun, Be Wild.’ Yeah so I’ve decided to be a real 'wild thing' and stay on and help get the boat in the water and down the Rio Paraguay – after a little R&R tied up @ the Asuncion YC—and then …
We’ll see. ;-) XXOO
"To be truly free one must take on the basic conditions as they are--painful, impermanent, open, imperfect--and then be grateful for impermanence and the freedom. With that freedom we improve the campsite, teach children,oust tyrants. The world is nature, and in the long run inevitably wild, because the wild, as the process and essence of nature, is also an ordering of impermanence."
Gary Snyder
The Etiquette of Freedom
Do you have the patience to wait
till the mud settles and the water is clear?
Can you remain unmoving
till right action arises by itself?
The Master doesnt seek fulfillment.
Not seeking, not expecting,
she is present, and can welcome all things.
Tao Te Ching, Chapter 15
Posted by 'Soul' Nov 24 2009
Do you have the patience to wait
till the mud settles and the water is clear?
Can you remain unmoving
till right action arises by itself?
The Master doesnt seek fulfillment.
Not seeking, not expecting,
she is present, and can welcome all things.
Tao Te Ching, Chapter 15
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